National Hydrogen Association is a vector for hydrogen sector development in Georgia.

The National Hydrogen Association is a vector for hydrogen
sector development in Georgia. It brings together Georgian and
international entities to support collaborative research and development initiatives focused on promoting clean hydrogen project implementation.
The National Hydrogen Association is a vector for hydrogen
sector development in Georgia. It brings together Georgian and
international entities to support collaborative research and development initiatives focused on promoting clean hydrogen project implementation.
Energy Storage

Vast quantities of clean energy could be stored for a long duration in the form of hydrogen, which can be used in peak demand.

Energy Storage

Vast quantities of clean energy could be stored for a long duration in the form of hydrogen, which can be used in peak demand.


Hydrogen is seen as a promising solution to substitute natural gas-based heating with zero green house gases (GHG) emission.


Hydrogen is seen as a promising solution to substitute natural gas-based heating with zero green house gases (GHG) emission.

Circular Economy

Waste valorisation is the base of the circular economy (CE) model, which seeks to bridge the gap between production and ecosystem cycles.

Circular Economy

Waste valorisation is the base of the circular economy (CE) model, which seeks to bridge the gap between production and ecosystem cycles.

Gas Production

The process of blending green hydrogen with natural gas, gives utilities the possibility to reduce the carbon intensity of their delivered fuel.

Gas Production

The process of blending green hydrogen with natural gas, gives utilities the possibility to reduce the carbon intensity of their delivered fuel.

Vehicle Fuel

FCEVs are more efficient than internal combustion engine vehicles – emission from them consists of water vapor and warm air.

Vehicle Fuel

FCEVs are more efficient than internal combustion engine vehicles – emission from them consists of water vapor and warm air.

Rocket Fuel

The signature fuel of the American space program – Liquid hydrogen. It is also widely used in the business of launching satellites.

Rocket Fuel

The signature fuel of the American space program – Liquid hydrogen. It is also widely used in the business of launching satellites.

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Work frame

Active involvement
in energy transition

The National Hydrogen Association is a permanent member of the “Hydrogen Energy Development Support Committee” established under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and chaired by the Georgian Energy Development Fund. 

The association’s main goal is to contribute in committee’s work in assessing the perspectives of hydrogen energy development in Georgia and its environmental and socio-economic impact with the purpose of issuing recommendations and development of a hydrogen road map.